IOCP(I/O Completion Port) 설정
$ lsdev | grep iocp
iocp0 Available I/O Completion Ports
iocp설정값을 enable 시켜주고, oracle 바이너리 파일을 relink 시켜줘야 한다.
IBM 공식 가이드
oracle guide
Enable the "iocp" option and relink the oracle binaries.
To enable IOCP, set IOCP to Available using the following procedure:
Log in as root and run the following command:
# smitty iocp
Select Change / Show Characteristics of I/O Completion Ports.
Change configured state at system restart from Defined to Available.
Run the lsdev command to confirm the IOCP status is set to Available:
리부팅 전 우선 defined 된 상태의 device를 Available로 바로 바뀌진 않는다.
우선 Available로 바꾼 후 리부팅이 필요하다.
<서버 리부팅 전, 베리타스 볼륨이든, /etc/filesystems에 디스크가 혹시나 umount 된게 있는지도 확인이 필요
(#lsfs -a : 일관성 체크)>
Enable the "iocp" option and relink the oracle binaries.
To enable IOCP, set IOCP to Available using the following procedure: Log in as root and run the following command:
# smitty iocp Select Change / Show Characteristics of I/O Completion Ports.
Change configured state at system restart from Defined to Available.
Run the lsdev command to confirm the IOCP status is set to Available:
$ lsdev | grep iocp
iocp0 Available I/O Completion Ports
Perform a system restart to make the changes permanent.
Relink the binaries using " relink all " and then as root user.
To relink the binaries, refer the note: Relinking Oracle Home FAQ ( Frequently Asked Questions) (Doc ID 1467060.1)